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New Opportunity Is Within Your Reach

If you want to make this year a year of new opportunity then you need to take REAL action. Start as you mean to go on!

So what are the 3 things you need to do in order to take REAL action in 2021?

Digital Marketing Education & Implementation

1 - Get a real understanding of you core marketing strategy. We all speak about strategy, but what does it really mean? Strategy is just a fancy word for planning, but don't think this about planning a campaign. Strategy starts with some fundamental positioning of you your products and your business.

This means having a genuine and deep understanding of your targeted audience, the problems you solve for them and the way you deliver those solutions. This takes some thought and planning. 

If you take the first element of this understanding, having a deep understanding of your target audience, you should take some time to create a profile of perfect client you are aiming to sell to. This means sitting down and doing a 'ideal customer profile' or ICP. 

This is a fundamental marketing discipline that will save you a massive amount of time and money. If you don't have a highly targeted idea of exactly WHO you are selling to will mean that all the effort you put into building products, creating page copy, advertising or designing and creating lead magnets will not be looked at by the people you want to sell to.

It will not resonate with them AT ALL!

Without that profile in your hand you will NEVER be able to understand the problems they need solving and would pay money for. The profile is the first step in creating products and services that people (your audience) actually want.

This is why we include comprehensive training in the FunnelCentrix membership to tackle this fundamental issue. If you get this right then EVERTYTHING you do in your marketing can be based on what your target audience really needs and wants.

It all starts with with lead generation. If you struggle with this aspect of your business, it normally because you haven't hit you perfect clients pain point. So getting this right will solve your lead generation problems in an instant. It will enable you to create Lead Magnets that people (your ICP) is desperate to get their hands on. You can then take that same approach right through your funnel and consequently make more sales as a result.

Once done, you can now put strategies together KNOWING you're hitting the right mark. I promise your sales and marketing strategies with be better, more focused and more profitable.

The Right Tools For The Job - Marketing Software

2 - Make sure you have the RIGHT marketing software in place to scale your business. This is a big one, and the KEY issue we wanted to solve for our FunnelCentrix members.

The truth is, we as marketers need to use software, but there is a problem. There are so many products on the market, many of them very good at what they do, that it can become confusing as to what software you need in order to market and automate your business successfully.

Software is used for two reasons. 

The first is to do the heavy lifting for you, to automate processes that you would normally have to do manually. This is the marketing automation concept. It's what successful sales and marketing funnels are built with.

The second is to ensure that you can scale your business with ease. Marketing software enables you to deal with thousands of potential customers effortlessly. This is essential if you really want to build a lucrative business.

FunnelCentrix Members use HighLevel - As a member of FunnelCentrix you have access to your very own HighLevel account. This means you have EVERYTHING you need to market your business online.

HighLevel was created to be an all-in-one CRM solution for marketing small and large businesses professionally, effectively replacing the dozens of software packages that YOU may be using right now. ONE piece of software that offers:

Email Marketing
Email and the automation of email is at the heart of an automated sales funnel. You need to use email autoresponder software. Using HighLevel means you can replace software like ActiveCampaign, Constant Contact, Get Response or Aweber.

SMS Marketing
Text messeging has incredible open rates, and used in conjunction with email autoresponders is the best way to interact with prospects and clients alike. HighLevel integrates SMS into its systems seamlessly to ensure maximum engagement. Being integrated into the system means you don't need 3rd party products such as ClickSend.

Funnel Builders/Designer
Creating professional sales funnels using Landing Page builders is critical to modern sales funnel marketing. HighLevel's powerful Funnel Builder creates sales that are easy to manage and replaces products like ClickFunnels or LeadPages saving you hundreds of dollars a month as well as have a funnel builder that integrates fully with the included CRM, more on that later!

Call Tracking Software
Call Tracking shows you what campaigns gets the phone ringing. It's a great way to make sure you're campaigns are on track and targeting the right people at the right time and with the right offer. You can replace 3rd party software like CallRail as the functionality is already included in the HighLevel software all of our members get included in FunnelCentrix.

Survey & Form Builders
Creating forms to capture details is essential in sales funnels, however most marketing automation platforms stop at just that, data capture. With HighLevel through you FunnelCentrix membership you can now extend the functionality of your forms to include surveys, funnel integrations and automated campaign launching. This replaces software such as Wufoo and Survey Monkey, again saving you money and the headaches of integrating more 3rd part product.

email marketing

Integrated Appointment Scheduling
Many businesses need to have some form of automated appointment scheduling online. Small local business like Dentists rely on it as do consultants and trainers. Most again us 3rd party software such as Calendly Or Acuity. Now you don't have to worry about getting 3rd party software and trying to send the data to your CRM as this technology is integrated into the HighLevel software making it a breeze to control automated appointment booking.

CRM & Pipeline Software
A Customer Relationship Management is a system for managing the relationships with your customers. A CRM centralised all the information you have on a prospect or client so it's easy to find, analyse and use. Then you have Pipeline Software. This is tied directly into the CRM and shows you exactly where any on prospect or client is within any Campaign you are running. So if you are looking at, or currently have Salesforce, Zendesk, Podio or PipeDrive, you can now use HighLevel.

automated pipeline

Integrated Payment Gateway (Linked To Stripe)
We all need to take payment online and HighLevel makes is so simple. All you need to do is link it to your Stripe account and away you go. You can take one off and recurring payments with HighLevel and offer a professional 2 step payment process. All information is of course sent to the HighLevel CRM and pipeline software so you can manage the transition from prospect to client easily.

Membership Software
Want to offer online training? It's simple with HighLevel and FunnelCentrix. Having the ability to offer member only access to training, how to's and valuable information whether you sell that access or offer it free, is massively powerful. HighLevel provides an easy to use program which replaces programs like Kajabi, Teachable and Thinkific.

membership software

A Constant Marketing Companion - Group Support

3 - What happens when you get stuck? - Being a FunnelCentrix you get access to our Group Support Page on Facebook. This proven invaluable to our members as it gives them a centralised pint of contact to get over any bumps in the road, whether those bumps are psychological or technical. It's a fact that when you take on on the marketing of your business you will have to wear a marketers hat and start to think like a marketer.

The training offered by FunnelCentrix will help you wear that hat extremely well, but every so often you'll com across a mental blockage and just need someone to pass it buy..

That's where the FunnelCentrix Group Support Page comes in. Just post your problem and either a member of the group will answer it or we will, We often create little videos showing you how to do something so you can move on.

We also do regular zoom calls to answer questions and help support our members. 

Try FunnelCentrix For FREE:

Absolutely NO Obligation, No Contracts and Cancel at ANY time.. This 100% risk free and totally safe... Try It Out For FREE for 14 days!

  • World Class Marketing Training - The Ultimate Funnel System!
  • Full Group Support
  • HighLevel Marketing Software Included
  • Ever Expanding Funnel Vault
  • Advanced Training & Ongoing Funnel Reviews

FunnelCentrix.. EVERYTHING You Need To Market Your Business, Sell Your Products Online And Automate EVERY Task So You Can Work ON YOUR BUSHINESS Not Struggle To Run Your Business. 


I'm Andy Phillips and I am proud to say I brought FunnelCentrix to life along with my business partner Josh Lister, because of one simple reason and that's ACCESS. Access to the right information, access to support, access to the right software and access to a clear, positive marketing approach... It's critical if you want your business to thrive. The problems we solve have come from direct contact with business owners and marketers from sizes of company. We solve the problem of marketing confusion, overwhelm and noise.

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